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How to save money on your energy bills

Adjust your boiler settings

Changing your boiler's flow temperature means your home will feel just as warm, but you could see real savings on your typical gas use.

  • If you have a combination boiler, set the flow temperature to 50 degrees for heating and 55 degrees for hot water.
  • If you have a hot water cylinder, set the flow temperature on your boiler to 60 degrees for heating and hot water. Set your hot water cylinder to 60 degrees also.

Heated water should be stored correctly to stop legionella bacteria from growing. Keep the temperature at least to these levels.

Here's some more advice for efficient hot water cylinder heating and info on boiler temperatures.


Sort any draughts

Ventilation is essential for keeping your home free from condensation and mould. The vents on your windows are important tools for controlling condensation.

However, large draughts can make your house cold and hard to heat.

  • Get a draught excluder for any doors that lead to the outside.
  • A thick set of curtains can help around windows or doors.
  • You can buy letterbox draught excluders.
  • Keep internal doors closed when not in use to keep the heat in. 


Turn your heating off when it's not needed

Making sure your boiler isn't on 24 hours a day is a great way to cut down your bill.

Most boilers or thermostats will let you set a schedule, so you can turn the heating off or down while you're tucked up in bed. The trick is to set your heat to come on 20 minutes before it's needed and shut off 20 minutes early. See the latest energy savings advice from Money Saving Expert.


Leave the thermostat alone

Setting your temperature and leaving it somewhere between 18 to 21 degrees is ideal, and lower temperatures can save gas. Setting a higher temperature won't warm your house more quickly.

Don't use it like an on-off switch. Many of us do, but it's more efficient if you set the temperature and timer so it comes on when you need it.


Consider which parts of your home need to be warm

This isn't about having a cold home. However, if you're only using one room and won't be moving, there's no point having other rooms heated to 21 degrees. Turning off central heating can cause its own issues.

Not heating your home correctly can contribute to damp issues and frozen pipes if the weather's cold. Having a certain amount of heating turned on is important.

The Money Saving Expert website has a handy guide on keeping warm, whilst using minimal gas.


Radiator tips

There are some quick ways to help your radiator do its job better.

  • Make sure your curtains don't cover your radiators. Heat will escape through the window rather than warming your room.
  • Make sure your furniture isn't too close to your radiators, as it will absorb lots of heat.
  • If you can feel cooler spots, you should bleed them. Don't try this when they're hot! Here's a helpful video on how to bleed a radiator.
  • Use reflective foil behind your radiator so the wall doesn't absorb all the heat.
  • Clean between and behind your radiators! If they are free from dust, they will work better.


Switching your energy tariff

See our guide on switching energy suppliers

You can find more hints and tips on saving on electricity and gas through Which? 


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