Use our live chat
Get an instant answer on live chat from 9am to 5pm on weekdays, excluding bank holidays. It covers a range of subjects, and it's really quick to get an answer to your question.
Chat about lettings
Talk to us about renting one of our homes or garages
Chat about payments
Talk to us about your rent or service charge, get an up-to-date balance, or ask a question about payments
Chat about anything else
Talk to a colleague in our customer services team about any other question you might have
Use your online account
You can do lots of things with us in your online account. Things like:
- make a payment
- request a repair
- report anti-social behaviour

Speak to your neighbourhood coach
Your neighbourhood coach should be your first point of call for questions about:
- your tenancy agreement or moving home
- your local community, including anti-social behaviour
- making your home work better for you, if you have an illness or disability

Call us
It's much faster to do things online, like use our live chat, or your online account.
If you'd prefer to call us, you can speak to a colleague in our contact centre weekdays 8am to 6pm, excluding bank holidays.