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Safeguarding means protecting the health, wellbeing and human rights of adults at risk, enabling them to live safely, free from abuse and neglect. 

Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm.  

It is about people and organisations working together to prevent and reduce both the risks and experience of abuse or neglect. 

Categories of harm and abuse for children and adults: 

  • physical  
  • psychological or emotional 
  • financial or economic  
  • sexual 
  • neglect or acts of omission  
  • organisational 
  • self-neglect 
  • domestic abuse 
  • modern slavery 
  • discriminatory  

radicalisation, terrorism, and extremism 

You can find our safeguarding policy here  

What to do if you have a safeguarding concern  

If there is immediate danger, call the police on 999. 

If there is no immediate danger you can all the police on 101.  

You should report cases of abuse or suspected abuse to your local authority social care teams 

If the concern is about a Bromford customer please call Bromford on 0330 1234 034 

Useful websites  

GOV.UK website: - Safeguarding Policy Protecting Vulnerable Adults - Modern Slavery - Report Child Abuse - Safeguarding Children - Working together to safeguard children 

NHS England: 111 

NHS - safeguarding

NHS - Adult Pocket Guide

Older People: 

Patient Info - Safeguarding Adults Leaflet 

Age UK - Safeguarding older people from abuse 

Social Care Institute for Excellence

Safeguarding Resource Hub for Children


National safeguarding organisations and advice lines  

Information and help are available from these national organisations:  

NSPCC   0808 800 5000 

Children’s Society 

Learning NSPCC 

Child Protection Company01327 552030 

Action for Children 

Victim Support 0808 16 89 111 

County Lines  

Crimestoppers - 0800 555 111 

Action on Elder Abuse - 0808 808 8141 

Galop - LGBT+ Hate Crime Helpline 020 7704 2040