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Domestic abuse

Domestic abuse is any type of controlling, bullying, threatening or violent behaviour between people in a romantic relationship or between close family members. It can be: 

  • physical or sexual abuse 
  • violent or threatening behaviour 
  • controlling or coercive behaviour 
  • financial or economic abuse 
  • psychological, emotional or other abuse 
  • digital abuse (sexting) 

Domestic abuse is: 

  • A repeated pattern of behaviour with a clear intention of trying to hurt or upset the person they are in a relationship with 
  • Always about one person trying to control the other person 

Relationships shouldn't be scary. Domestic abuse can happen to anyone and does not discriminate. 

You can find out domestic abuse policy here

What to do if you have a domestic abuse concern?

In an emergency - If there is immediate danger, call the police on 999 

For non-emergencies; 

  • If there’s no immediate danger. Call the police on 101 
  • If the concern is in relation to a Bromford customer, we’re here to help. Call Bromford on 0330 1234 034 (non-emergency) 
  • You can report cases of abuse or suspected abuse to your local authority social care team 


Do you or someone you know need support? 

Non-emergency contacts 

Information and help are available from these national organisations:  




 0808 2000 247

Women’s Aid 

 Live chat

Respect men’s advice line 

 0808 8010327 


 0800 9995428 

National Stalking Helpline 

 0808 802 0300 

Honour Based Abuse 

 0800 5999 247 

Action on Elder Abuse   

 0808 808 8141 

I’m worried for someone else, like a neighbour 

  • This can be difficult. You don’t necessarily know exactly what’s happening  
  • If you hear/see an incident and think someone’s in danger, contact the police  
  • The police have a responsibility to respond and to undertake a risk assessment where there is domestic abuse taking place 

Digital abuse is still abuse

  • Report abuse to the police by calling 101.  

    Online abuse can be:  

    • Social media sites have ways of reporting online abuse or bullying 
    • If you feel ok to, block the person so they can’t contact you 
    • Change passwords and usernames on accounts to keep them secure, and change them regularly  
    • Keep passwords private - you have a right to online privacy, and shouldn't feel pressured to share passwords with anyone  
    • Make sure only people you know can see your posts on social media and only accept friend requests from people you know  
    • Check which apps on your phone use GPS or location sharing (Find My Phone, fitness apps, Snapchat etc). Turn GPS off when not in use so you can’t be tracked 
  • No one should pressure you to send or receive nude pictures, videos or sexual messages. It is against the law to send nude photos of yourself if you’re under 18 and for anyone to save or share them, even if they are under 18 too.  

    • If someone won’t stop messaging you or asking you for nudes you can: Ask them to stop, and explain how it makes you feel; a respectful partner should understand  
    • Block the person 

Safety Planning  

Useful information and apps:  

Hollie Gazzard app 

Bright Sky app 

Women Said 

My plan app

Ask_for_Angela (in a pub / restaurant)

Ask for Ani (pharmacy) 

Clare’s Law information to request a Domestic Violence / Abuse disclosure - Clare's Law national scheme

Wikipedia - Clare's Law