As we continue essential maintenance to our systems, our Customer Portal is unavailable from Monday 13 to Tuesday 21 January. You can continue to contact us through our usual channels.
Lots of things can have an impact on our mental health or our wellbeing.
If you're a Bromford customer, you can also speak to your neighbourhood coach. They are here to connect you with local help on a whole range of subjects.
Mental health and money
Download the Mental Health and Money Toolkit to help you understand, manage and improve both your mental and financial health.
It covers six key areas on managing money and your wellbeing:
Where to go for more help
Here are some trusted organisations that you can contact, and the things they can help with.
Offers emotional support 24 hours a day. If you feel like you can't cope anymore, you can talk to the samaritans.
Call 116 123 - (24/7, 365 days a year) or visit
Offers specialist mental health emotional support 6am-11pm every day.
Call 0300 304 7000 or visit
Anxiety UK
Anxiety UK is a national registered charity that helps people affected by anxiety, stress and anxiety-based depression.
Call 03444 775 774 or visit
Age UK
Information and advice for the elderly about many issues, including benefits.
Call 0800 678 1602 or visit
No panic
A national support helpline for people experiencing anxiety, panic, OCD and related disorders, including withdrawal from tranquillizers. No Panic also provides support for the carers of people who suffer from anxiety disorders.
Call 0300 7729844 or visit
Papyrus Prevention of Young Suicide (under 35)
Offers confidential support and suicide intervention and empowers young people to lead suicide prevention activities in their communities.
Call 0800 068 41 41 or Text: 07860 039967 or visit
Bipolar Support Line
Provides information and advice for people affected by bipolar disorder and those who care for them.
Call 0333 323 3880 or visit
Mind is a mental health charity. Their mission is to make sure no one has to face a mental health problem alone.
Call 0300 123 3393, or Text: 86463 or visit