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Affordable ways of borrowing cash

If you think you need to borrow money to pay your rent, talk to us first.

With so many lending companies, finding an affordable loan that suits your circumstances can be quite daunting.

Lenders to use

There are different lenders out there, and some offer better services than others.


Banks are regulated, and you can speak to someone in person about your situation. they can offer loans or overdrafts.

Credit unions 

Credit Unions can offer loans at competitive rates. They also offer saving accounts. The rates they offer may differ or be more than those offered by high street banks.

Find your local credit union.

Lenders to avoid

Loan sharks and door step lenders 

Loan sharks are unlicensed money lenders and should be avoided when looking for a loan.

Find out what to do if you're getting harrassed by a loan shark.

You can also:

Payday loans 

Payday loans are a quick way to get small sums of cash when you're in a tight squeeze. There are many payday loan companies.

However, many offer high-interest rates which may mean you're paying back even more than you originally borrowed.