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Email disclaimer

You have been directed to the Bromford email disclaimer.

The contents of this email (which term shall be deemed to include all documents, files or other information forming part of this or any related electronic transmission) are confidential and are for the exclusive use of the intended recipient(s). The contents of the email may be legally or professionally privileged. If you are not an intended recipient of this email you are asked to inform the sender immediately and to destroy it together with all printed or electronic copies that you may have made or caused to have been made. Do not copy, use or disclose this email.

Bromford has taken reasonable precautions to minimise the risk of transmission of known computer viruses but the opening of this email is at your own risk and Bromford will not accept any liability for any loss or damage sustained as a result of a computer virus being introduced or becoming attached to this email.

You have received this email from an association or company forming part of, or affiliated, to Bromford. Bromford Housing Group Limited is the parent company and it is a Non-Charitable Registered Society registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (Reg. no. 29996R). The registered office of Bromford Housing Group Limited is 1 Exchange Court, Brabourne Avenue, Wolverhampton Business Park, Wolverhampton, WV10 6AU where full details of all members of the Group may be obtained.

Unless it is specifically stated otherwise this email is not intended to create legal relations leading to the formation of a contract.