
If you have an interior door that is sticking or catching on the frame, you may need to realign it.

Video guide: align an interior door

Step-by-step guide: align an interior door

Loose hinges can cause the door to drop and not close properly. If the hinges are loose, try tightening all the screws on the door and frame to see if that solves the problem.

  • If the screws are just turning when you tighten them up, try putting a bigger screw in
  • If using bigger screws doesn't work, you can use match sticks with the heads removed as raw plugs
  • To use match sticks as raw plugs, you need to first undo the hinge from the frame
  • Then, tap the match sticks into the timber where the screws go. Once the match sticks are in as far as they will go, snap them off until they are flush with the surface
  • Reattach the hinge to the frame
  • Check if the door is aligned properly and opens and closes smoothly

If you don't feel confident about fixing your window latch safely, please ask for help from a competent person. If you're a Bromford customer, you can request a repair.